When the Andromeda galaxy the Milky Way Rammed

Thursday, March 7, 2013

We all know that we do not live alone in this semesata nature. The purpose is not about creatures ane gan his life, but about the galaxy. In addition to our own Milky Way galaxy, there are billions (even more) galaxies out there, and the nearest galaxy is Andromeda, which is 2.5 million light years.

The latest data says that the andromeda galaxy moving with a speed of 300,000 miles / hour, 100x faster than a speeding bullet, the direction of our Milky Way galaxy (we know that the universe is expanding and galaksi2pun also moving). What will happen later when the Andromeda collided with the Milky Way?
Peering back where the galaxies started to form.
Astronomers find small kumpulan2 of billions of young stars clumped together. Lama2 groupings will come together and form a bond with each other, leaving only a few large irregular groups. Finally, from a few large groups (young galaxies) will develop irregular in size and shape, forming a galaxy with familiar shapes, such as elliptical, disk, and etc.
From this it can be concluded, that collisions between galaxies is how galaxies to evolve.
As water droplets merge to form oceans. Swimming star will also join each other to evolve into larger galaxies.
Collisions between galaxies due to the gravitational pull of attraction between adjacent galaxies, like the Milky Way and Andromeda. Do not imagine a collision between galaxies would create a powerful mega damage, WRONG. When Andromeda hit the Milky Way, the influence of the Sun and the Earth received us very little, why could that be?
Savior is DISTANCE.
Imagine, if the sun of sand, then ente have to travel 2 mile before meeting with Alpha Centaury. Wide gap in the nearest star in the Milky Way.
Quote: Fact: Alpha Centaury is the closest star to the Sun at a distance 4.4 light years. Located in the constellation Crux.
When Andromeda collide, it will only pass / through the Milky Way through the gaps, so that the influence of the Sun on the Solar System is not significant.

But a gap above ane intent is not entirely empty, there are many clouds of dust and gas space consisting of atom2 constituent stars. When galaxies collide, even this cloud of gas and dust will also collide with each other, if it occurs in large numbers will be an incredible compression causing gravity. At this gravity has appeared, then a cloud of gas and space dust will collapse to the center of gravity and form a new star. There is a star itself, there is also a group (could be 1000 more per group).
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